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Trigger Hippie: I act off instinct and live off love.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

bike trails

"A picture means I know where I was every minute. That's why I take pictures. It's a visual diary."
- Andy Warhol

Did you know .... that Andy Warhol was revealed to have an IQ score below average?
Yet, he's one of the most influential individuals in the world! Regardless of what others said or what studies confirmed, he succeeded in simply being himself.

If you can be yourself and stay unaffected by all negative vibes or influences in this world, then you, my friend, are truly alive. Alive within your soul, your beliefs, your heart, the blood running through your veins ... everything. I peculiarly admire people that can go about their lives, fulfilling their utmost dreams and desires, not giving a damn about what others perceive of them.  Pure self actualization.
Just saying.

To be bold is to be beautiful. 

"The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do." 
- Andy Warhol

Friday, July 8, 2011

summmmertime ... when the livin's easy

<a href="http://slideful.com/v20110709_0562749190071032_pf.htm">View the slide show</a>

Summertime, to me, should consist of a purely spontaneous adventures....
and it has!
Lately, I've been able to take advantage of these sunny summer days by overdosing on blissful outdoor activities. My beach cruiser always gets put to best use during this season. The other day, while frolicking out in the Newport Beach waters, a baby octopus swam right by me!
Oh summer, how I love thee.

La vita รจ bella