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Trigger Hippie: I act off instinct and live off love.
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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

that tourist lifestyle

Downtown Los Angeles.

I always find it a bit funny how many people can reside in a neighborhood and not know a thing about their city's hidden gems. Actually, hidden gems are one thing, but even the city's main attractions that people from all over the world come to check out? I personally feel that, even if you've lived in a city all your life, you don't have the right to claim your city is "boring" until you've actually made several attempts to explore what every county has to offer. There are always new attractions, new businesses, and new inspirations sprouting yearly. Hence, the chances of finding something interesting about your county are delightfully high. 

You should live like you're always on tour. Take up opportunities to travel to random places when you can spare the time and money. The boyfriend and I get a natural high off explorations and adventures, which is what makes our relationship that much more compatible. Love.

With today's online resources and social networks, there are always great deals on mini to grand vacations. Shoot, Jim and I had our random trip to New York City off a twitter deal. Thank you JetBlue!

 I understand that many people also have that mindset where they'll save all of their traveling for post-retirement ... However, if you really think about it, your bills will only keep piling up until them. Take advantage of your youth, a once in a lifetime phase of endless energy you just may not have equivalent to when you're older. The older you get, the more responsibilities behold you. Also, you just never know what the future may hold.

Ask yourself:
Do you live to work or do you work to live?

If you feel like you live to work but want to enjoy your life more, you might want to consider changing up your lifestyle. Perhaps, turning toward a different career route, relocating, making some sort of new investment/savings plan, or initiating something that'll generate more side revenue for you to satisfy your soul. 

When it really comes down to it, it's all about lifestyle. 
Shrug off the judgmental society and lead the life that ultimately makes you happiest. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


July 4th.
A day of courage, wisdom, progress, change, equality, and ultimately, Independence
This holiday is not about barbecues, beer, and fireworks. 
Yes, it is a celebration but merely celebrating without understanding and appreciating the reason behind the good times is like carelessly apologizing without knowing what you did wrong. Pointless.
This is a day in history that we repeatedly make cheers to in memory of the founding struggles that made our country as liberated as it is today. Such struggles that sparked revolutionary years of radical ideals that unraveled the way we live today. Such sparks that are embedded in the fireworks that we launch and align with the stars of the sky.. Stars that we so proudly represent alongside stripes on our American Flag. 

Let's take a moment to give thanks to our Founding Fathers.

If it wasn't for this day, we wouldn't be able to be as free spirited as we can be today. 
So go on and be courageous.
Don't hold yourself back from opportunities.
Stand out.
Be radical, be amazing.
Be explosive. Be dynamite.

Photo Credits: Christopher Canon
Yes, Mr. CHRISFOTOG finally got a website up after me pushing him for months..maybe years. Haha. 
It's a great start. Check out the link!