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Trigger Hippie: I act off instinct and live off love.
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Monday, March 17, 2014

top coat

Photo Credits: Christopher Canon

( Cateye Sunnies - ZeroUV // Coat and Turtle Neck Dress - Forever 21 // Leather Suspender Leggings - Shuku Newyork // Arrowed Cage Necklace - Platos Closet // Over the Knee Boots - Wild Pair )

One should always uphold themselves like top coat. 
As ladies know, nail polish only stays perfection when sealed with a good top coat to prevent ruining all the work and time put into that canvas of nails. When you forget that top coat or think you can get by without that extra layer, you usually end up being a quicker mess than hoped for. 

As silly as this may sound, doesn't that allude to a whole lot of our lives? 
People start off their mornings with time dedicated to preparing themselves for the public. Hence, painting a front cover over all that their soul conceals. Regardless of how much time that takes, you ultimately need to walk out that door with a smile on your face and a stride of indestructible confidence to increase your chances of having a successful day. 

Despite all of your daily struggles or how badly your nails are discoloring, you must go ahead and seal that sensitivity from the world. I am not promoting the need to bottle things up because, when people bottle their issues, that usually entails a burdening breakdown. Instead, when you shove that stress under the rug and give such negativity less thought, you're more likely to be positively productive toward changes that'll benefit your present state. Thus, leading you toward a path completely away from any mishaps. 

Besides, a lot of our lives all boil down to presentation. 
It's how you present yourself that'll give an interviewer your overall cover page. 
It's how you present yourself that'll determine unwinding friendships. 
It's how you present yourself that'll enable strangers to judge and act toward you. 
It's ultimately how you present yourself that'll grant you the key to your next life opportunity.

So go about life with a solid layer of top coat.
Don't let life obstacles ruin your wholesomeness and taint your physique.
Not only should you always look your best, you should always feel your best.
If you're not feeling your best YET, then fake it until you make it.

The more you fake that tough shell, the stronger of a person you'll eventually become.

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