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Trigger Hippie: I act off instinct and live off love.
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

walking on a dream

Photo Credits: Christopher Canon

Whoa. I'm surprised at myself for going a whole month without blogging at least once. That just shows how hectic of a month May was for me. Upon finishing classes for my undergraduate degrees, I threw myself into the brutal job search phase, going in and out of job opportunities upon realizing certain aspects of career choices that I just would not be happy doing for years to come. To be continued...

Nevertheless, I'm still dreaming in my reality. Still pushing deadlines and personal goals for myself, as everyone should be. I feel as though, as long as you have something to look forward to, life is great. Whether that something is a job you get a kick out of doing, a passion for multiple hobbies, personal fitness goals, or maybe even a specific significant soul in your life, just be sure you have something, anything to look forward to. Don't fall hopeless.
It's great to be alive, but better to feel alive.
When was the last time you felt alive?

If you really had to think twice to yourself to answer that question, you're probably not enjoying or appreciating your life enough.

Set goals, set deadlines, make plans, and define your idea of success. 
Define your happiness.
Everyone should wake ready to be walking on a dream.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this post! It was well needed for me to read! The pictures are beautiful!
