(H&M faux fur hat, Nordstrom maroon cardigan, American Apparel bodysuit & mesh bottom, Urban Outfitters wedged boots, DIY chain ring-bracelet, Forever21 Cross ring)
Photo Credits: Joshua Dearing
One thing I've always liked about Los Angeles is the unexpected street art scattered across the town as though multiple visionary and passionate souls have painted the town red. These photos were taken at the most random places late into the night as we took our chances with a photography adventure. Upon spotting this random flower pot painted on the wall of the first photo, I attempted to imitate the flower's stance.... which got me thinking about the perks of being a wallflower.
In the very known book, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Charlie goes about sharing his most secretive and intimate thoughts via letters to a completely anonymous stranger, who he believes to be a friend. Although most of my friends would not view me as an introvert, I tend to feel as though I can relate to this kid. I would not necessarily classify myself as an introvert, but I do get those feelings at times. I'm sure everyone does whether they chose to admit it or not. It's just a part of being humane. Introverts, like flowers, are not loners. They bloom among others in their surroundings and are acquainted by many akin to themselves. Wallflowers just tend to not share all their deepest feelings to everyone and uphold the aspect of keeping certain things personal. That's all, really.
Anyway, drawing back on myself relating to this book, I sort of feel like Charlie in the sense that I'm sharing my random thoughts via blog postings to completely anonymous readers, whom I choose to welcome in a friendly manner. A major perk to being a wallflower is that, although you may be sharing your views with strangers, at least you are letting it all out... getting everything off your shoulders. It's never good to bottle everything up because every bottle can only hold so much before it overflows...
Thus, I believe that..
Writing is relieving, formulating all that you're believing.
See, there are perks to being a wallflower just as there are perks to being a blogger. (:
soo mannyy swagg gurl