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Trigger Hippie: I act off instinct and live off love.
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Monday, December 10, 2012

cowboys & crossroads

When one of my best friends, Jim initially brought up the idea of randomly traveling to Texas, I pictured a Western desert movie with a full on cowboy showdown in the middle of nowhere amid windy tumbleweeds... and I was sold. 

Why not?! 
I mean that was just my typical imagination taking a shot of what I thought Texas would be like. In reality, I was way off and actually a little disappointed that I didn't get to see any random cowboys wander. 

Anyway, Texas is pretty darn modern and urbanized. There were parts of the huge state that felt a tad bit like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and even Georgia. I was rather surprised to find that Downtown Dallas is purely business and, unlike a lot of popular downtown city areas, they didn't have any late night bars or eateries. Then again, I don't think my visit was long enough to really stand firm by my discovery, which then holds more as first impression. There was, however, quite a pleasant number of unique coffeehouses that definitely highlighted my stay with random cover bands working their magic and artistic details bombarding the shops. We also found ourselves swooning over some huge antique shop with a grip of goodness and a cute comedy station, which was located in a part of town that was plastered with what I love most: street art. Not to mention, we attended the Dallas Cowboys game at their ridiculously HUGE Cowboys Stadium, where the stadium's set up, big screen, and roofing was overall surreal. 

I'm still happy til this day that I got to meet up with my friend, Julie and her boyfriend while over there. They  took us out for one heck of a random fun-filled night even though they had work/school the next morning. Greatly appreciated that because who knew late night golfing could be so fun? 
Top Golf needs to come to California. 

I would definitely go back for another visit... I even found myself contemplating whether or not I would possibly live there... Hmm.

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